Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 8, 2016


Some people may think that Japanese grammar is not that difficult because it does not have so many tenses like English, however, the problem is Japanese grammar has tons of structures to learn and remembering all of them is not an easy task. So today, we would like to share some tips of how to learn Japanese grammar to help you learn Japanese grammar better.
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1 - Getting Suitable Books

Getting appropriate books is important to learn a new language, especially learning grammar. And by saying "appropriate books" or "suitable books", it means that we cannot just learn Japanese grammar from some random books. We need something that can guide us through this difficult learning Japanese journey. Its hard to define "suitable books" for everybody since each person may have different preferences, so in this case, we will recommend some of popular Japanese learning books:

     a) Minna no Nihongo


This one is probably one of the most common Japanese learning books as it is used in almost all curriculums, Universities, schools, Japanese learning center, .etc... The book, or books serie to be more precise, provide 50 lessons in total and it covers Japanese grammar level from beginner to intermediate (N5 - about N3). We could say the books serie provide somewhat standard learning structure with lots of exercises and English translations. Another choice would be Shin Nihongo no Kiso and it also has the similar structure to Minna no Nihongo so it is also a close choice.

     b) Japanese the Manga Way

This one is very interesting, especially for those who interested in manga. Different from standard Japanese learning structure, Japanese the Manga Way delivers the lessons in form of... manga, just like its name suggests. To be more details, each lesson will deliver knowledge through scenes just like in manga. Also there are romaji form of written Japanese above, along with word-on-word translations and English translation version of the sentences. And of course there are grammar and vocabulary explaination. If you do not like to learn in old school style, this one should give you a new approach to learn Japanese grammar.

     c) Genki

Genki is probably the most popular Japanese learning book nowadays, and yes it is really good at it. Each lesson from the book comprises of 2 sections: Conversation - Grammar and Reading - Writing, along with many exercises to practice. The Conversation - Grammar is pretty well done as grammar structures are showed in the real-life conversation. Overall, Genki is recommended by many people and it is also recommended for people who wish to learn Japanese alone.

2 - Enroll in a Japanese class


Enrolling in a Japanese class does not necessary means that you have to enroll in a real-class, you could also join online class. This tip is ideal for beginners because most beginners will likely to get lost during their Japanese learning journey, therefore, a guide hand is important to assist them until they are familiar with Japanese and be able to learn alone. Some people may wonder whether real-life class is better than online class, and vice-versa. To answer this question, we have to say there is no common answer for it. For those who have time and want to have assistance from real people, it is recommended to enroll in a real-life class. But for those who prefer to self-study then having online course is probably better choice as it will require more effort and self-determination. Afterall, it is still a good idea to have a Japanese class for beginners, whether getting an online course or enrolling a real-life class is a matter of needs.

3 - Practice Japanese writing


Writing will require a firm foundation of grammar, and of course, if we think about it, writing is also a good way to learn grammar. So how to practice Japanese writing you may ask? Actually it is very simple. There are many ways to practice Japanese writing, and one of the simpliest ways is to write diary in Japanese. Just start writing diary with basic grammar structures, then when we learn more complicated structures, we can gradually apply what we have learned in writing diary. However, just to make sure that you have some Japanese document to compare in order to check your Japanese grammar. Since probably we don't want to show our diary to other people easily so it is a good idea to have something to compare grammar.

4 - Try to work hard on exercises

This one is more like an advice than a tip, however, we have to say in order to learn Japanese grammar, doing exercises is extremely important. If we want to remember a grammar structure, we will need to practice it. The more we practice, the better we remember it. Of course when saying this, we don't mean that we must focus on doing exercises because it will distract us from learning other Japanese language skills. Keep it balance, but don't get lazy, afterall, we can be pretty lazy when it comes to doing exercises.

So those are the tips of how to learn Japanese grammar! Some of us may want to listen to the best way to learn Japanese grammar, but as we mentioned before, it will depend on each person's needs and preferences. The best way can only be found when we get serious. Stay tune, have fun and good luck in your Japanese learning journey!

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