Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 8, 2016


Learning Japanese grammar is quite a difficult journey since it is so different from what we have learned from English. Because the 2 grammars system are not the same, people have hard time understanding and remembering Japanese grammar structures. Regular translating from Japanese to English is not a good option as learners might miss translate many sentences. This time, we would like to introduce you some of most recommended books for Japanese grammar and we with hope that with these suggestions, you can improve your Japanese grammar study.

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1 - Minna no Nihongo

Probably every Japanese learners know this books serie. Minna no Nihongo can be considered to be one of the most common used books in Japanese classes curriculum, Universities, .etc... If you focus on Japanese grammar, you will need at least these 2 books: Minna no Nihongo Honsatsu and Minna no Nihongo English Translation. While Honsatsu provides grammar structures, dialogues, and grammar exercises in Japanese, English Translation book provides English translation for vocabulary, grammar explanation and example in English. In addition to these two books, there are exercise book and listening material for further training. Overall Minna no Nihongo offers basic Japanese grammar lessons and its lesson structure is easy to catch up, so it is most recommended for beginners.

2 - Shin Nihongo no Kiso

Similar to Minna no Nihongo, Shin Nihongo no Kiso is also another popular learning material among schools, Universities, Japanese classes. If you are Japanese beginners, Shin Nihongo no Kiso is also another good choice besides Minna no Nihongo as they both offer basic Japanese grammar structures. Shin Nihongo no Kiso provides many books from grammar book to exercise book, listening material. The lesson structure is also similar to what Minna no Nihongo has so if you already learned a bit from Minna no Nihongo then it should be easy for you to study with Shin Nihongo no Kiso.

3 - A Guide to Japanese Grammar: A Japanese approach to learning Japanese grammar

If you usually search for Japanese learning on the Internet then you probably know the author of this book: Tae Kim. He can be considered to be an advanced Japanese speakers, and he created his own blog dedicated for learning Japanese purpose so if you are learning Japanese, you should check out his website. In this book, he covers a wide range of grammar structures with detail explanation. Also the book provides vocabulary and examples of real life Japanese, as well as casual speech, slang which are normally not covered in other textbooks. For people who want to learn online, they can always check out his website as it has the same content as the book offers. But if you prefer to learn from physical material, it is always recommended to get this book from Amazon with relatively cheap price.

4 - A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar

This one is one of the most famous Japanese learning material, probably the best as there are lots of people who highly recommend it for Japanese learners. As mentioned above, since English and Japanese are the two distant languages, many people find hard time in understanding Japanese grammar. The more they learn and try to translate to English, the more they get confused. The arrival of this book totally "rescue" Japanese learners from drowning in the sea of confusion and frustration. The book provide clear and precise Japanese grammar explanation in English, along with lots of examples and usages. Needless to say this book is much recommended if you are Japanese beginners, and if you are at higher level, don't hesitate to get the higher level versions of this book: "A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar" - The Blue one, and "A Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar" - The Red one.

5 - Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese

For starters, it will be hard for them to find the right Japanese learning material for their study. Minna no Nihongo, Shin Nihongo no Kiso are both solid choice. But if you used to learn Japanese, and now you want to start learning Japanese again but you think it will be boring if using Minna no Nihongo or Shin Nihongo no Kiso again. Why not try Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese? Just like its name, Genki is suitable for Japanese beginners, even for the people who have just started to learn Japanese and have no prior knowledge about Japanese. It covers lessons and exercises for full 4 skills - reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The lessons in Genki are well structured and they are probably best used in class with teachers and friends. Though there are several parts designed for exercises with friends, it is still a good choice for people who like to self-study. 

And those are the 5 recommended books for Japanese grammar learning. Good luck and have fun in your Japanese learning adventure! In the meantime, check out our website for more news and tips, and also don't hesitate to check out the link below to join in our new fun and exciting Japanese learning experience!

Source: Blog Akirademy

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