Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016

How to say Happy Birthday in Japanese?

Learning new language also means that we access to a new culture. And of course, learning Japanese means you will understand more about Japanese culture and vice-versa. In order to learn more about Japanese culture, we should take a look at their custom during special occasion. And today, we will take a look at Japanese people's birthday: How they say Happy Birthday in Japanese? How they celebrate birthday? And what is the common present for birthday?

Read more: How to say i love you in Japanese                                                                                            How to say good morning in Japanese                                                                                     Japanese Kanji

1 - How to say Happy Birthday in Japanese?

In Japanese, "happy birthday" is "Tanjoubi Omedetou", in Hiragana it is written like this: たんじょうび おめでとう, and in Kanji: 誕生日おめでとう. So in this sentence, "Tanjoubi" (たんじょうび/誕生日) means "birthday" and "Omedetou" (おめでとう) means "congratulation". So if we translate "roughly" we can say: "Birthday Congratulation!" or "Congratulation in your Birthday!"? Anyway, Because in Japanese there are formal (or we can say polite) and informal way of speaking, the sentence above is only use for people who are so familiar with us, such as friends, brothers, sisters. To wish happy birthday in Japanese to people who has higher status, who are elder or strangers, we say: "Tanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimasu" (たんじょうび おめでとう ございます - 誕生日 おめでとう ございます).

2 - How Japanese people celebrate birthday?

The interesting thing about Japanese birthday is that, in the beginning there was no birthday celebration in Japan. It is said that in the past, Japanese people only celebrate birthday during New Year event. But from 1950, Japanese people has adopted the Western custom and they started to celebrate birthday. Commonly they will celebrate birthday with their family and friends at home, but if a person has boy or girlfriend then they will spend birthday with each other (often happen from 17 - 18 years old). So we can say "Japanese happy birthday" is not much different from Western culture.
On the other hand, there are several special birthday occasions in Japan, such as 20 year-old birthday (in Japanese 20 year-old considered to be the time a person officially becomes an adult), 60 year-old birthday. Also there is special festivity for children with 3 - 5 - 7 years old, 3 year-old girl and 7 year-old girl, along with 5 year-old boy will wear traditional costumes and visit Shinto shrine and pray for strength and health. According to some sources, it is believed that this ceremony held because in the past, many children could not live until 3 - 5 - 7 year-old.

3 - What is the gift during "Japanese happy birthday"?

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Similar to Western culture, there is no particular gift during birthday since gift depends on different people. However, no matter how expensive a gift is, the wrapping is extremely important. And it seems that the sincerity and love of the givers are reflected from how they take care of the wrapping - carefulness, the beauty, the focus, .etc... At some point, we can say gift wrapping in Japanese has become an art.

And that is how to say happy birthday in Japanese, how Japanese people celebrate birthday, and how they give present in birthday. Stay tune, have fun and good luck in your Japanese learning journey!

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