Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 7, 2016



In the last article we have looked at some of the reasons why you should learn Japanese online. However, if you choose to learn Japanese online, there are some problems you have to consider in order to have best learning experience. So here are 5 THINGS may DISTRACT you when LEARNING JAPANESE ONLINE.
Read more: How to say i love you in Japanese                                                                                            How to say good morning in Japanese                                                                                     Japanese Kanji

1. Social websites/ Social networks

Some of you guys may saw this coming: social websites. Although learning Japanese online is good, for the most of the time you will study at home. And when we are at home, there is a common action which is to log in our social networks and see if there is any updates on the Internet. Yes, we know that social website is important to get in touch with people nowadays, but in term of studying? It is not recommended to log in social websites while you are studying, especially if you are learning difficult language such as Japanese. It is hard to focus on your study when new messages or notifications pop up. So if you learn Japanese online, you should log off your social website, you will not want to be both checking new notifications and learning Japanese at the same time.

2. Music and Youtube

Well... this can be controversial. For some people, they say that they can only concentrate when they listen to music. And if they learn Japanese online, probably they will also listen to music. In reality. this is called as "multi-tasking" which means doing many things at the same time. The good news for people who like multi-tasking is that they can finish multiple works in one night, but the bad news is that the finished results are rarely at their best. If you both learn Japanese and listen to music, your energy is divided into 50-50 instead of 100% focusing on learning, thus you cannot learn Japanese at your best. While what people said that "I can only focus when they listen to music" is still remain a mystery, the advice is that you should do "single-tasking" which means you should turn off music or Youtube when you learn Japanese online.

3. Games

What are the most popular online games these days? Let see there are plenty: Dota 2, League of Legends, Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, .etc... These games are really fun to play and we will be absorbed in playing them for a long, long time without realizing it. Whatever the fun they may provide, they can hinder us from learning Japanese online. Just like music or social websites, people like to keep their game applications while learning Japanese. "I will just play a little bit" they say, "There is no need to turn off the game" they say, however, if you do not turn off the game, you will be disturbed. When your friends invite you to play? High chance you will join them and waste all the time playing while you are supposed to learn. Telling yourself that "I will just play a little bit" will not help since as we said, you will easily be absorbed in playing. So, if you decide to learn Japanese online? Try to resist the urge of playing and turn off all your games (both offline and online) and gaming clients like Steam, Battlenet, ...

4. Manga and Anime

Yes we know that we mentioned this in the last article about 5 advantages of learning Japanese online, however this is different a little bit. Do not misunderstand, manga and anime are still good tools to learn Japanese, but just like games, we can be, again, absorbed in those exciting adventures of manga and anime. The ironic thing is that at first, we thought that we are watching manga and anime for the sake of learning, but after a while we feel that the manga or anime serie we are watching is so good that we forget our goals. Suggestion to deal with this situation? Try to be mindful that you are learning Japanese, not watching manga and anime for entertainment. As long as you can maintain your focus, you are good to go.

5. The enormous amount of information on the Internet

When you find something on the Internet, you will find a whole lots of information, lots of sources which later on make you question: "which websites I should trust?", "which sites are reliable?", "which online courses are good to learn?". In this information ocean called "Internet", some sources are just fraud, they are created in order to deceive people for money; some sources provide poor contents and learning experience; whereas some other sites offer good contents, the learning experience might not suit you. The advice is that you should find out as much as you can about learning Japanese online courses, information websites, .etc... In addition, it is good to have someone experienced in learning Japanese online to guide you. At the very least, there are plenty of guides online for you to search for.
Here you have it, 5 things that may distract you while learning Japanese online. For the mean time, check out the link below to join us and enjoy Japanese learning experience with us!

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