Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 9, 2016

Learn basic Japanese phrases just in 5 minutes.

To learn and get used to Japanese as quickly as possible, it had better if you should become familiar with the basic Japanese phrase which are often encountered in life. Memorizing the fixed communication, you have 20% more confident to communicate with the Japanese then. Now, let’s begin with us !

Read more: How to say i love you in Japanese                                                                                        How to say good morning in Japanese                                                                                     Japanese Kanji

Basic Japanese phrase in daily life

  1. Basic japanese phrases.
    Basic japanese phrases are very useful in daily life.
どう した?Dou shita?What is going on ?
げんき だた?/どう げんき?Genki data?/ Dou genki? 
なに やってた の?Nani yatteta no? How are you doing ?
ひさしぶり ね。
ひさしぶり だね。
Hisashiburi ne. (Woman)
Hisashiburi dane. (Man)
Long time to see.
げんき?genkiHow are you ?
げんき よ。
げんき だよ。
Genki yo (woman)
Genki dayo (man)
Maane. (+)

I’m fine.
どか した の?
ど した の?
なんか あった の?
ど したん だよ?
Doka shita no? (Woman)(n–> p)
Do shita no? (Woman)(n–> p)
Nanka atta no? (**)
Do shitan dayo? (Man)
 What’s up ?
なに かんがえてん?Nani kangaeten?What are you thinking about ?
べつ に。Betsu ni.Not thing
ひとり に して!()
Hitori ni shite!
Leave me alone !
ほん と?()
ほんと に?(
まじ で?
うそ だ?
Hon to?
Honto ni?
Maji de?
Uso da?
Right ? / Really ?
そう なの?
Sou nano?
Really ?
どう して?
どう して だよ?
Dou shite?
Dō shite dayo?
Why ?
どう いう いみ?Douimi?What do you mean ?

Basic Japanese phrase in restaurant

  1. basic japanese phrase in restaurant.
    Communication with customer in restaurant is very important
If you intend to work part-time at Japanese restaurant , or you're working in a Japanese restaurant , you can’t ignore this basic Japanese phrase to greeting customers as follows :
いらっしゃい ませIrashai masheWelcome to our restaurant ( when customers enter the restaurant)
何名 さま で いらっしゃいますかNanmei samade irashai masukaHow many people do you have ?
こちらへどうぞ。Kochira e douzoPlease go follow this direction.
きょう は こんで います ので、 ご あいせき で よろしい でしょうか?kyoo wa konde imasu node, go aiseki de yoroshii deshoo kaBecause of this crowded. Would you mind to sit with others?
何 に なさい ます かNani nasai masukaWhat do you order ?
おまたせ しました。Omatase shimashita Sorry for let you waiting so long.
どうぞ おめしあがり ください。Douzo omeshiagari kudasaiEnjoy your meal !
おたべものは いかがですか。Otabemono wa ikaga desu kaWould you like to anything else ?

Basic Japanese phrase in class


はじめましょうhajimemashouLet’s start
おわりましょうowarimashouLet’s finish.
やすみましょうyasumimashouLet’s to have break.
きりつkiritsu!Nghiêm !
どうぞすわってくださいdouzo suwattekudasaiSit down, please
わかりますかwakarimasukaDo you understand ?
はい、わかりますhai,wakarimasuI got it.
いいえ、わかりませんiie, wakarimasenNo, I don’t understand
もういちどmou ichidoOne again.
じょうずですねjouzudesuneGreat/ good !
しけん/しゅくだいShiken/shukudaiTest/ home work.
Actually, when you learn a foreign language, especially learn Japanese. This is a long process requires interactions and continuously exposed to the language, especially to talk with native speakers. So learn the basic communication phrase will initially be very useful for communicating in the future. To help you learn effective japanese dialogue, we will continue to improve further to bring the most useful lessons for you.
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